
We’ve been busy the last couple of Saturdays with gluing on Ragna’s new ash gunwales.  We got one side glued up a week ago, and trimmed it down to thickness this past Saturday, and then glued on the other side.  That should be more durable!

Saturday was another gorgeous January day for a sail, with a south wind coming off the land, making for much flatter water than the usual lumpy west-wind conditions.  The Button Swan was feeling wonderful and lively!

Happy New Year!

Now that the calendar is changed over, and we all try to get used to writing “2019”, it’s back to work in the boat shed!  Ragna’s refurbishing is coming along nicely, and it was a productive day yesterday – but we were mostly too busy to take photos – thanks to Dale S for these.


Looking nice and clean – lots of sanding has been done, the gunwale has been planed back and prepared for a new ash lamination on the outer edge – the fir was splintering in places, and not durable enough.  Also, the centerboard was scraped, and will be planed a bit thinner, to keep it from binding in the trunk.

And, as it was a pretty mild January day, with a light breeze, a couple of us decided to take Button Swan out for a bit – sadly, the breeze died almost as soon as we got out there, but for a brief moment, we were sailing!  Good thing we enjoyed rigging the boat, and the bit of rowing!