Gunwale paint

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The first coat (and by now, possibly a 2nd coat) of the contrasting colour has been applied to the gunwales, and is looking fabulous!  Gives a whole new fresh look to the boat.

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We had a nice picnic in the shed, courtesy of Dale, who rowed over to Granville Island in the Vogler – thanks Dale!  That added a nice touch to our Saturday fun!

Ragna progress

Varnishing began a couple of weeks ago, and has been coming along beautifully!

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A special thanks to Dale for the diligent job of varnishing through the week – we’ve now got 8 coats on the decks and thwarts, and will do some painting before doing the final coats of varnish.  The interior got a fresh coat of white, and is looking wonderful!



The gunwales got a coat of epoxy, and we’ve picked up a nice contrasting blue for them, which should look real sharp.

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And the spars got stripped and sanded for another coat of varnish.  The mast had some sunburn, so it was stripped down to wood, while the boom and gaff just needed a light sanding for a new coat.  The gaff jaws will also get new leather pads, as the old ones were a bit too weathered.

Meanwhile, Nick has sent a couple of photos from his time at the Australian Wooden Boat Festival in Hobart – lots of great eye-candy there, I’m sure!